HOW we are ?
House of Wellness (HOW) provides a full spectrum of mental health treatment including outpatient (OPD) psychotherapy and counseling (in-person and online); and residential recovery programs. To ensure better results, our experts offer immersive and holistic care in treating psychological conditions to help clients achieve goal-oriented healing. HOW also renders consulting services and training programs for individuals and organizations. Team of HOW includes personal wellbeing and occupational health practitioners, psychiatrists and doctoral level therapists/counselors with diverse experience to design psychological healthcare solutions and treatment plans to transform lives.
HOW we do it ?
HOW works closely with the clients (and their families) who face challenging psychological issues of minor, moderate or severe levels. Following are a few salient features that HOW banks upon to deliver up to the highest professional standards:
Evidence Based Practice
Based on authentic evidences, the therapies are devised to foster the healing & recovery processes.
Individualized Care Giving
Customization of treatment programs is a constant for every case we deal with adhering to the uniqueness of every individual.
Best-in-Class Facilities
HOW distinctively positions itself as a best-in-class treatment facility owing to its nurturing home-like environment.
Blending Experience with Expertise
From a psychiatrist to a nursing assistant, the staff at HOW cherishes worthy experienced and expertise.
Minimal Medicinal Dependence
Emphatically focused on psychological model at HOW, we believe in minimizing the medicinal intervention and resultant dependence.
Full Spectrum Treatment Provision
From minor adjustment issues to severe psychotic conditions & addiction, HOW renders a full continuum of care.
Life-long Recovery Approach
Our life coaching component of treatment ensures a self-regulated reservoir of resilience on the part of recovering individuals at HOW.
HOW about us ?
Yasir Masood Afaq
MSc (Psy), MSCP, PhD Scholar
Saiyida Tasmeera
MSc(Psy) MPhil, PhD Scholar
Meet the Founding Directors
Passionate and driven by a verve to serve the suffering souls and menaced minds, Yasir and Tasmeera are psychologists with post graduate qualifications and academic distinctions. As life partners and mental health practitioners, they share a vision of raising the standards of mental health in Pakistan. House of Wellness (HOW) is an embodiment of their mission to elevate the psychological wellbeing of people around, while perfecting the process of healing and recovery.
What We Treat
Anxiety & Personality Disorders
Trauma and Stress Related Disorder
Somatoform & Dissociative Disorder
Depression & Other Mood Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive & Related Disorders
Feeding, Eating & Sleep Disorders
Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders
Impulse Control & Conduct Disorders
Neurodevelopmental & Cognitive Disorders
Developmental Disorders
Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders
Intellectual & Learning Disabilities
Treatment Approach
HOW works closely with the clients and their families
Evidence based Treatment Plans
A panel of physician, psychologist and psychiatrist devise a holistic …
Life Coaching & Training Workshops
At HOW, we believe in a proactive approach to achieve highest levels of personal and professional wellbeing. Through our ongoing life coaching and training workshops, we inculcate resilience and vitality as acquired traits on the part of our alumni to deal with the challenging circumstances in life.
Treatment Programs
One of the most prevalent threat of personal wellbeing in Pakistan and across the word is substance abuse and drug addiction. The incidence is higher among the young population and male but older people and females are not an exception at all. Co-occurrence of mental illnesses and substance abuse is another challenge to be realized by the family and caregivers of patients and subscribed method of treatment. A recent upsurge in various types of drug addiction calls for dynamic and integrated treatment approaches.
Outpatient Care & Counseling
HOW has been working successfully in outpatient treatment programs since a couple of years including
Intensive Inpatient
HOW has a state-of-the-art inpatient facility to deliver physical and mental health services. Following are few salient
Aftercare & Recovery Management
Recovery management is not just limited to the client but to the family as well. Family is taught the baby steps
Visit Our Facility
At HOW, we make sure that the residential conditions add to the recovery process with utmost comfortable living conditions supported by highly trained and sensitized staff. Following are few glimpses of our outpatient and inpatient facilities.