What Do We Treat

At HOW, we treat full spectrum of psychological illnesses owing to expertise of our in-house and on-call experts including psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. After an initial assessment and case conference, we recommend the treatment plan whether it can be managed through outpatient therapy or an admission is required at all. Following is a list of psychological issues and disorders we treat at HOW:

Anxiety & Personality Disorders

Trauma and Stress Related Disorder

Somatoform & Dissociative Disorder

Depression & Other Mood Disorders

Obsessive Compulsive & Related Disorders

Feeding, Eating & Sleep Disorders

Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Impulse Control & Conduct Disorders

Neurodevelopmental & Cognitive Disorders

Developmental Disorders

Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders

Intellectual & Learning Disabilities

Treatment Approach

HOW works closely with the clients and their families who face challenging psychiatric and psychological issues. Following is a standard model which we follow with a provision of customization whenever needed.

Testing & Assessments

First the client goes through comprehensive assessment through authentic battery of tests with the family helping in briefing about his/her history.

Evidence based Treatment Plans

A panel of physician, psychologist and psychiatrist devise a holistic treatment plan catering to the individual’s age, gender, physical and psychological conditions. Evidence based method for addiction, psychotic and neurotic illnesses is used by integrating individual clinical expertise with patient’s values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care.

Recovery Process

HOW focuses on therapeutic treatment and discourages long term medicinal dependence. Keeping in mind the unique family dynamics and needs of the clients, tailor-made intervention plans include the whole process of recovery the elements of which are as follows:

  • Motivation and focus on clients goals (life, health, treatment, medication and overall recovery)
  • Daily activities of the client necessary for staying well/healthy
  • Control of relapse triggers (events or experiences that contributed to a past setback)
  • Awareness of early warning signs that things are not going well
  • Crisis plan for difficult times

Discharge Planning

Process of discharge planning can be completed by a psychologist, social worker, nurse, case manager, and family members if needed. Ideally, and especially for the most complicated medical conditions, discharge planning is done with a team approach. Many therapies like motivation enhancement therapy, family education and therapy with spiritual insight come into play to ease the transition and strengthen emotional, psychological and social wellbeing of the client.
In general, the basics of a discharge plan are:

  • Evaluation of the client by qualified personnel
  • Discussion with the client or his representative
  • Planning for homecoming or transfer to another care facility
  • Determining whether caregiver training or other support is needed
  • Referrals to a home care agency and/or appropriate support organizations in the community
  • Arranging for follow-up appointments and/or assessments

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse with the goal of identifying and preventing high-risk situations. To prevent relapse, emotional wellbeing of the client and his care giver is ensured involving skill enhancement of the client to open his experience to positive emotions like joy and happiness and give him awareness of emotions suggesting life is unpleasant. Client’s human strengths and personal resilience are increased to give a sense of contentment and satisfaction with life. Following key constructs complement our approach towards relapse prevention

  • Psychological Wellbeing

    HOW provides continued therapeutic assistance to induce positive attitude towards oneself; accepting varied aspects of self and accept past life.

  • Personal Growth

    Therapists ensure that feelings of continued development and openness to new experiences and challenges are part of the takeaways from HOW.

  • Purpose in Life

    Personalized therapies at HOW focus on giving direction to life with meaning and purpose.

  • Environmental Mastery

    Clients are taught functional independence to manage complex environment and associated circumstantial factors.

  • Autonomy

    Relapse prevention makes clients create self-direction to resist negative social pressures from others.

  • Social Wellbeing

    Clients’ needs of social interaction are met with during their stay at HOW via support group sessions and need for relatedness are fulfilled by close and positive connection to others which they carry on.

Treatment Programs

Outpatient (OPD) Treatment (In-person & Online)

HOW has been working successfully in outpatient treatment programs including therapies and counseling as follows:

  • Evidence Based Therapeutic Interventions for Individuals
  • Marital, Relational and Couple Therapy
  • Professional Guidance and Career Coaching
  • Mental Health & Rehab Counseling
  • Educational Counseling
  • Family & Group Therapy
  • Support Groups & Mentoring Sessions
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Occupational Health Solutions
  • Therapy for Geriatric and Aging Issues
  • CBT/Behavioral Activation& Reinstatements

Residential & Inpatient Treatment

We are in liaison with two residential treatment facilities for in-patient treatment.

Aftercare & Recovery Management

Recovery management is not just limited to the client but to the family as well. Family is taught the baby steps leading to the ultimate goals of adjusting in a challenging environment. The family then becomes more resourceful to enable the client in moving from one phase to another. And the client becomes more aware of the demands of the environment once his/her weaknesses have been turned to strengths during his/her stay at HOW. The client is prepared to functionally experience the tools and techniques that s/he has been taught.